My oldest, my son, got my water Sun-Mercury. The middle, Nems, got those as well. They both got Saturn aspecting the Moon which is reminiscent of my Capricorn Moon, but both of their Moons are in air. The youngest, though, got my exact same Capricorn Moon as well as its square to Venus (which opposes my Venus). Her Sun in Virgo opposes my Sun. The Moon in Capricorn is not an easy Moon and its square to Venus is a tough one to handle. She got my toughest aspects and the toughest challenges in getting her needs met. Moon in Capricorn can have a hard road in particular in their relationship with the mother… me. Ouch.
Read the rest of Kid Astrology: Her Father’s Eyes And My Moon (167 words)
Kid Astrology: Her Father’s Eyes And My Moon